Welcome to your HypnoBirthing Course and Practitioner Evaluation Survey


My HypnoBirthing practitioner was

Prior to taking this course, how did you feel about your ability to have a peaceful, gentle, more comfortable birth:

The practitioner was prepared for class

The practitioner was very knowledgeable

The practitioner's manner was positive and inspiring

The course material was clear and comprehensive

The pace of the material presented in class was appropriate

The practitioner adequately answered questions during class

The practitioner's overall teaching style was effective

The learning environment was comfortable

I believe the practitioner will be available if I have questions or concerns

The course improved my understanding of normal birthing

The course helped me to understand my birthing options

I will recommend the HypnoBirthing course to others

I will recommend this practitioner to others

How useful did you find the HypnoBirthing book

How useful did you find the videos of births

How useful did you find the video - Happy, Healthy Child - about what babies learn in utero?

How useful did you find the HypnoBirthing breathing techniques

How useful did you find the relaxation, visualisation and deepening techniques

How useful did you find the Light Touch Massage

How useful did you find the postures/exercises to help baby into the best position for birthing

How useful did you find the class handouts

After taking this course, how did you feel about your ability to have a peaceful, gentle, more comfortable birth

What I found most helpful was:

What I found least helpful was:

My overall opinion of HypnoBirthing® is:

My suggestions are:

Would you like us to contact you in regards to any of your responses? This will be done by our Clinic Manager, not your practitioner.

If you would like us to contact you, please enter your email address: